Integrated operating theatres
Over the years, Richard Wolf GmbH, an early innovator in minimally invasive surgery (MIS), has carried out studies of surgical workflow and refined their solutions accordingly.
This has resulted in the OT concept named core, a system that networks and controls operating theatre (OT) devices.

The system also provides voice control that is not dependent on the speaker. Using this, the direct operation of devices such as cameras, light and OT table from within the sterile field of the OT is possible. It also provides a basis for immediate intra-operative preparation of the OT report. ‘Consistent use of this module ensures the immediate postoperative availability of the electronic operating report, including pictures of findings, and allows increased efficiency in the documentation from a forensic perspective,’ the firm points out.
Another asset is Medimage, a complete, digital patient picture and document management system. ‘Starting from workstations for picture acquisition, processing and archiving and progressing to server, network and telecommunications solutions, this provides every form of image data management as well as tailored, customised solutions,’ the company reports. ‘Medimage unites all forms of pictures, films and reports from radiology, cardiology and surgery. The possible intra-operative visualisation of preoperative image data (X-ray, CT) on suitable monitors in the operating field of the doctor, plays just as great a role in cost reduction as in increased operating safety.’
Videorouting transmits live sequences of the various image sources from the OT to the auditorium, consultant’s office, demo room or conference room. The Videoconference provides worldwide communication from the hospital to other hospitals for consultation with specialist colleagues and to simplify student education.
core is rounded off by the variable installation of the system in ceiling supply units, distributed nurse stations and mobile system trolleys and through the integration of OT tables and other peripheral devices.
Richard Wolf also provides specialist consultation and planning services, installation organisation, commissioning of the system, and tailored services.