European initiative "TREAT-NMD" launched to aid neuromuscular disease patients
TREAT-NMD (Transnational Research in Europe - Assessment and Treatment of Neuromuscular Diseases) is a European Union funded Network of Excellence launched on January 1st 2007 with the aim of improving treatment and finding cures for patients with neuromuscular diseases.

- Belgium: Université Catholique de Louvain
- Finland: Helsingin yliopisto
- France: Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale; Association Française contre les Myopathies/Genethon/Institut de Myologie; European Organisation for Rare Diseases; GenoSafe SAS; ACIES
- Germany: Muskeldystrophie-Netzwerk e.V.
- Holland: Leiden University Medical Center; European Neuromuscular Centre
- Hungary: Fodor Jozsef National Center for Public Health
- Italy: Fondazione Telethon
- Spain : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Switzerland: Biozentrum/University of Basel; Santhera Pharmaceuticals (Switzerland) Ltd
- Sweden: Karolinska Institute
- UK: Newcastle University; Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine; VASTox plc; King's College London; Medical Research Council