Information Technology

Document Management - the hidden champion

Zenon's Doc-db is a full-fledged document management system which has been internationally available since 2006.

Photo: Document Management - the hidden champion
Stefan Szepanek works as Head of Developement for Zenon GmbH, Bochum, Germany.
Stefan Szepanek works as Head of Developement for Zenon GmbH, Bochum, Germany.
Source: Zenon GmbH

The integrated, freely configurable workflow server can be adapted to organization-specific document management processes. The system controls, monitors, and documents the creation of documents, "read" confirmations, follow-ups, automated dispatch of emails, chat function, print-outs and much more. Continued display of documents is ensured beyond document validity dates. The Doc-db database handles the complete QM (quality management) documentation automatically in the respective file format and enables easy migrating of your existing documents.

Close collaboration of Doc-db experts with lab physicians and quality management officers continuously leads to innovative solutions that support the routine lab management. A LIS interface allows the exchange of data such as the definition of sample materials, instructions, and norm values online as well as in SOPs and service catalogues.

The DAkkS (German accreditation) list and the document index are created automatically including updates for compliance  with RiliBÄK (guidelines of the German Medical Association) and ISO 15189 and 17025. Today not only labs but entire hospitals work with Doc-cb since the solution offers dedicated modules such as the structured quality report in accordance with ß137 SGB V (German Social Code) or the contract management module which can be used to store and retrieve contracts in a Doc-db database.

Doc-db covers more than just the lab. The system workflows describe customer-specific processes. The software creates tailored solutions such as complaint management, risk management, and shift scheduling. The service-based architecture allows the exchange of data with LIS and HIS. Thus Doc-db enables solutions which integrate seamlessly into the customers' IT landscape.

Frequent Doc-db user meetings, mailing lists, and user working groups provide a platform for continued exchange of ideas and experiences. Based on user suggestions and feedback, software engineers develop useful features. Users and developers alike value the dialogue as they profit from shared insights.

Further benefits of Doc-db:

•    Choice of languages
•    Autonomous system
•    Efficiency
•    Easy installation



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