Immunoassays • Beckman Coulter Diagnostics
Beckman Coulter · Access Procalcitonin (PCT)

Access PCT aids physicians in the risk assessment of critically ill patients for progression to severe sepsis or septic shock. With results you can trust in approximately 20 minutes, Access PCT allows. Access PCT allows healthcare providers to integrate procalcitonin testing into their routine sepsis workups on core laboratory analyzers as a primary or reflex test programmed through Beckman Coulter’s REMISOL Advance middleware. Such integration simplifies laboratory workflow and optimizes institutional sepsis management protocols while reducing the operation expense of maintaining costly dedicated instrumentation.
Access PCT provides confidence in results and improved patient care through:
- > 95 percent overall agreement with predicate method for accurate assessment of patients at risk of progression to severe sepsis and septic shock
- State-of-the art sensitivity and low-end precision
– 20 percent CV LoQ of 0.02 ng / mL
– CV ≤ 8 percent at concentrations ≥0.150 ng / mL
- Minimal sample draw of 35 µl pick-up volume