The digital operating theatre
In 1996, NDS Surgical Imaging developed and launched the first Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technologies for Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) viewing applications.

The firm continues to develop such technology for surgical, interventional, integration, and infection control, and has a growing product portfolio for the digital operating theatre (OT) and medical imaging environments, including:
- A powerful, centralised control module that instantly routes images from numerous surgical and diagnostic imaging devices, e.g. endoscopes, ultrasound, CT, MRI, fluoroscopy, patient monitoring data, within or across operative suites.
- Telesurgery and Image Streaming ConnectOR, a device that allows image routing via fibre optics, capture and real-time streaming of surgical and diagnostic imaging procedures onto IT networks.
- HD-ready multi-modality visualisation systems that support multiple imaging capabilities with the Radiance series. ‘This product line meets today’s rapidly evolving clinical needs for simultaneous viewing of real-time video, fluoroscopic, ultrasound, PACS or vital sign imaging,’ the firm points out.
- Cutting Edge image acquisition technology with CMOS based ND-Cam OR overhead camera system, capturing wide angle or highly detailed video of surgical procedures.
- Digital imaging control technologies enabling OR staff to control and manage all equipment, multiple imaging modalities and deliver the appropriate image in real-time to the requesting surgeon or physician.
- Sterile-Touch screens provide effective, barrier protection against microbial transmission derived from medical imaging equipment at the point-of-care. They are designed specifically for visualisation devices that require constant contact with clinicians.
Disinfectants – NDS also produces OR-Cleanse and Steri-Wipe hospital-grade, hard surface disinfectant products for surgical and imaging environments. ‘With the world’s fastest surface disinfectant times, they help reduce Surgical Site Infections (SSI),’ the company reports.