The 91st German Radiology Congress

12-15 May 2010

The congress organiser Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft again expects about 7,000 participants at this the largest German language congress on medical imaging. The programme, organised by Hamburg radiologist Professor Walter Gross-Fengels, will focus on the potential of radiology in diagnoses and therapies for vascular diseases.

Walter Gross-Fengels
Walter Gross-Fengels

‘Illnesses affecting blood vessels are one of the great challenges of medicine in the 21st century,’ the professor pointed out, adding: ‘The incidence of illnesses such as stroke or peripheral occlusive arterial disease is increasing dramatically. We expect treatment to double in the next 20 years.’

The role of radiology is not restricted to diagnosis: ‘Interventional, i.e. minimally invasive methods, enable us to open occluded vessels using real-time image control, or to treat aneurysms with stents or coils,’ he added.

Along with the focus on vascular diseases, medical imaging experts will concentrate on the entire spectrum of radiology, e.g. cardiac and thorax diagnostics, molecular imaging, new CT and MRI procedures, etc.

With some 425 scholarly papers, 450 continuing education events, plus 80 poster contributions, the congress is an important further and continuing education forum for radiologists and others in this field. Additionally, over 120 exhibitors will present imaging innovations and new interventional treatments.

Congress partners: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Angiologie (DGA) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gefäßchirurgie und Gefässmedisin (DGG).


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