Advanced staining can be beautifully simple when we standardise it. Optimal...
Advanced staining can be beautifully simple when we standardise it. Optimal only.

Image source: Sakura Finetek

Sponsored • TissueTek Genie System

Advanced staining can be beautifully simple when we standardise it

Imagine, one single standardising solution, enabling uncompromisingly fast results and providing you with the exact same predictable turnaround time. The Tissue-Tek Genie® Advanced Staining System of Sakura Finetek Europe is the first and only fully automated, true random access stainer for immunohistochemistry (IHC) and in situ hybridisation (ISH). Allowing you to go back to the essence of advanced staining. 

Advanced staining is as simple as detecting the right amount of protein in the right location on the right tissue. But somewhere along the way, the essence was lost. Nowadays, creating optimal slides means endless customisation, leading to many variables, with subjectivity being the status quo. It felt that flexibility brings you total control, but actually, what we see is the introduction of multiple variables. This endless tweaking has taken its toll. According to research performed by NordiQC, 1:3 slides are not accurate enough to make an accurate diagnosis. It’s affecting patients in more ways than we have ever imagined. Unaware of our actions, we spired down to a more complex way of doing advanced staining. And nobody has ever wondered why. 

Our drive is to break subjectivity, get rid of its variables and start a new reality.

From now on it’s time to focus on getting optimal slides to benefit patient diagnoses. Achieving optimal results by redefining the current standard. Imagine that every outcome is precisely what you need to make a confident diagnosis every time. 

The Tissue-Tek Genie Advanced Staining System is the first and only fully automated, true random access stainer for immunohistochemistry (IHC) and in situ hybridisation (ISH); allowing any IHC or ISH capsule or probe to be loaded at any time on any station.

Advanced staining can be beautifully simple when we standardise it

Image source: Sakura Finetek

Trust in the process

According to Sakura Finetek, a closed system using RTU reagents and standardised protocols is their way to safeguard the process that ensures optimal results, providing maximum efficiency throughout the entire operation.


Sakura Finetek Europe achieves standardisation by using one protocol as the way to achieve optimal quality. Simplify your lab accreditation and IVDR compliance with their quality-controlled system, designed and tested to perform optimally. NordiQC is an independent external quality assessment partner of Sakura Finetek Europe that allows them to provide laboratories with a wide range of optimal only biomarkers. Their quality assurance sets the foundation for everything they do. Labs can therefore have the confidence to use optimal only biomarkers for the best profiling, receiving the optimal slide every time.


To be able to experience an optimal partnership, Sakura Finetek Europe has created a unique platform called GenieOnline. It’s a dashboard that empowers you to be in control of daily operations. It makes it possible to streamline your workflow, and easily keep track of your productivity. The system will automatically re-order any consumables that your Genie needs. Allowing for smooth collaboration between your Tissue-Tek Genie advanced staining system and your laboratory.

Advanced staining: Is it an art or a science?
Advanced staining: Is it an art or a science?

Image source: Sakura Finetek

Empowering pathology professionals is at the core of what Sakura Finetek does. Allowing patients to have a proper diagnosis at those fragile times in which they need it the most. The sooner, the better. 

We should expand our horizons to build a new reality. Where we focus on achieving optimal only results, and minimise the risk of both repeats and unreportable slides, ensuring treatment success for every patient in their time of need. Based on science, not art. 

Source: Sakura Finetek


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