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Safer head and neck imaging
‘The engineering evolution of the NewTom range has delivered an ultra-modern, ultra-technological, ultra-competitive device – the most complete CBCT,’ the device manufacturer reports.
‘NewTom VGi evo performs 3D imaging, panoramic imaging, teleradiography and 2D sequential imaging. The device introduces a new image chain, which includes features that increase standard CBCT performances, such as an enlarged flat panel sensor, with an improved signal/noise ratio and a rotating anode generator with a 0.3 mm focal spot.’
With 51 scan modes, NewTom VGi evo adapts to specific needs of different clinical applications. The FOV range goes from 5x5 cm to 24x19cm, recommended for Head & Neck applications. NewTom also introduces SHARP 2D technology, enabling the VGi evo to generate a complete set of 2D images (AP, PA and LL cephalometric images), the manufacturer explains, adding: ‘It also features the CineX function, a dynamic sequence of 2D images for analysing swallowing, salivary ducts, TMJ with contrast and flexion and extension of spine.’
Dose reduction
To protect users, the device uses pulsed emission that activates the X-ray source only when needed and a total exposure for a standard exam takes only 1.8 seconds. Further dose reduction is achieved by using VGi evo’s new Eco Scan mode, available for all FOV, combined with SafeBeam technology.
Details: www.newtom.it