Growing market for CT systems in Europe

According to a study from the technology consultancy Frost & Sullivan the market for CT systems in Europe will grow annually by 4% - in 2013 sales will be worth $1.14 billion. Customers' primary request are cardiac imaging applications, but software innovations and improvements in scan time and image acquisition are also distinguishing features of next-generation systems.

Photo: Growing market for CT systems in Europe

At the moment, radiology departments postpone the purchase of high-end multislice scanners. Standard 16-slice systems are regarded as adequate equipement for most conventional radiology applications. “Despite high radiation doses to the patient CT angiography and virtual colonoscopy are the most promising applications. However, with the introduction of higher-slice scanners, the market is set to move towards 'single heartbeat' cardiac imaging", explained Frost & Sullivan analyst Divya Bhaskaran.

"Industry participants should concentrate on introduction of new software to stem price erosion and as an additional source of revenue, as it can be sold to the existing installed base. Means to address the radiation dose concern should also be given the utmost importance", the report concludes.



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