Decreasing MRSA infections in UK

MRSA bloodstream infections in England are continuing to fall, the latest quarterly statistics from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) showed: There were 725 MRSA bloodstream infections in England between July and September. This represents a 13% decrease on the previous quarter (April to June) when there were 837 cases and a 33% reduction in the corresponding quarter of 2007.

Photo: Decreasing MRSA infections in UK

This continued downward trend follows last quarter's achievement by the NHS of halving MRSA bloodstream infections across England.

Health Minister Ann Keen said:

"After achieving the target to halve MRSA bloodstream infections across England, I am delighted that the NHS has continued to raise its game by reducing infections even further.

"Our strategy for tackling infection, including extra investment, tighter regulation and tough actions such as increasing the number of matrons to more than 5,000 and the bare below the elbows dress code to support hand hygiene are clearly having an impact.

"But we will not stop there - one avoidable infection is one too many and we must go further. That is why we have set a target for the NHS to sustain this reduction in MRSA infections and deliver a 30% reduction in C. difficile in the next three years. We will also screen all relevant elective admissions for MRSA from April and are developing a national minimum standard for MRSA infection that all Trusts must meet."


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