Consolidating with Randox Quality Control
Quality Control is our passion and with more than 30 years' experience developing QC for the in vitro diagnostics market we believe in producing high quality material that can help streamline procedures, whilst saving money for laboratories of all sizes and budgets. These qualities have been reflected in our RIQAS External Quality Assessment (EQA) programmes which, as outlined in Case Study 1, are able to not only streamline EQA practice in the laboratory, but save on preparation time and expenditure. As a result the NHS laboratory, Laboratory A1, was able to utilise these vital resources elsewhere.

Case Study 1
Laboratory A initially approached Randox to see if we were able to consolidate their EQA menu as they were previously employing 30 different programmes. Upon review we noted that a total of 133 sample tubes were assessed each month to meet the requirements of the existing EQA scheme. Consequently this consumed a lot of time, as each sample had to be prepared and results reported for all of the 133 tubes, meaning that some members of staff were taken away from other duties to complete this task.
After receiving a list of the parameters being tested, we were able to reduce the number of programmes required by 50%, resulting in a total of just 15 programmes. Furthermore the number of tubes required for EQA testing could be reduced by approximately 88%, to just 16 tubes per month. This meant less preparation and reporting time for laboratory staff, freeing them to carry out other duties. As well as saving time, consolidation delivered significant cost savings for the laboratory meaning vital funds could be used in other areas within the laboratory.
IQC EQA isn't the only area where Randox can facilitate consolidation. We have a number of success stories were laboratories have been able to dramatically reduce the number of internal quality controls required. The below case studies document such examples from two NHS Laboratories - Laboratory B and Laboratory C.
Case Study 2
Laboratory B had been using the same controls for a number of years and although they were happy with the performance they required 9 competitor controls to cover their Chemistry, Immunoassay, Tumour Marker, Speciality, Vitamin D, Anti-TPO and Low Testosterone testing. After review of the analytes tested we found that we could consolidate the test menu to just 3 controls - Liquid Assayed Chemistry Premium Plus, Immunoassay Premium Plus and our Immunoassay Speciality 1 Control. As a result switching to Randox saved valuable laboratory time in preparing, running and storing 6 unnecessary controls, whilst creating an overall saving of £16,046.60 per year.
Case Study 3
A second example from Laboratory C also saw the creation of significant savings by switching to Acusera to streamline their QC testing. After a test menu review it was noted that they could consolidate their existing QC controls from 16 to just 5. The competitor controls they had employed previously included Chemistry, Immunology, Bile Acids, Lipid, Troponin, Anaemia, Tumour Marker and TDM controls. We replaced these with our Liquid Chemistry Premium Plus Control, a customised RF & CRP Control and our Immunoassay Premium Plus Control therefore resulting in an annual saving of £8,971 and making available valuable time which can be directed to other vital activities.
In all of the above case studies we were able to provide both cost and time savings in an environment where both are restricted due to workloads and budgeting. In the current recovering economic climate and an age where we are seeing an increase in many diseases time and money are invaluable assets that Laboratories cannot afford to overlook. As a result we have used our expertise in these 3 cases to help streamline QC practice, making such savings possible and ensuring results you can trust.
There's more
There is much more to Randox Quality Control beyond consolidation and cost savings.
Acusera Randox is one of the largest manufacturers of true third party quality control solutions in the market. Our reliable, high quality controls will accurately assess the performance of your instruments assuring you that the results being released are accurate. By employing Acusera in your laboratory you could benefit from:
- The analytes present in our Acusera controls have been included at clinical decision levels. It is imperative to ensure that your analyser can accurately measure to the levels required for clinical diagnosis. As such QC material with similar cut off levels should be used to ensure you are assessing the full clinical range.
- With a shelf life of up to 2 years for liquid & 4 years for lyophilised controls, Acusera can help minimise costly lot changes. Furthermore each control has their own target values & extended open vial stability claims, which do not differ from lot to lot due to our unrivalled consistency, ultimately helping to reduce waste and save time.
- When using controls with non-commutable components you are likely to experience shifts in QC values when changing reagent batch. Our controls are 100% commutable, reacting to the test system in the same manner as a patient sample.
Acusera 24.7
Acusera 24.7 has been designed to be compatible for use with the Acusera range of true third party controls. The software has been created to help monitor and interpret QC data, providing access to; QC multi-rules, interactive charts, real-time peer group data and our unique dashboard interface instantly highlighting any poor performing tests for at-a-glance performance assessment. Employing Acusera 24.7 in your clinical laboratory will allow you to increase the efficiency of laboratory operations, meet regulatory requirements and ultimately improve analytical quality.
With more than 35,000 participants in 123 countries, RIQAS is the world's largest international EQA scheme, with many clinical laboratories employing the scheme to ensure the quality and reliability of their results. 32 flexible programmes are currently available and our high level of participation provides a large database of results and analytical methods, therefore increasing statistical validity. RIQAS provides frequent test events with bi-weekly, monthly & quarterly options, depending on the programme, and user-friendly reports available within 72 hours of result submission to enable preventative actions to be taken prior to the analysis against subsequent samples.
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1 Please note that to maintain the confidentiality of our customers we will be referring to each laboratory using assigned letters.