A high performance semi-automated clinical chemistry analyser
The RX altona shines a new light on semi-automated clinical chemistry testing with increased auto-functionality and ground-breaking technology. Revolutionising the RX series with its bold look, innovative design, and outstanding performance, it sets the benchmark for the next generation of the RX series clinical chemistry analysers.

Developed with the user in mind the RX altona incorporates a responsive touch-screen display, which is responsive even when wearing lab gloves, with icon based software allowing the user to easily navigate through the various different features of the analyser.
The RX altona has one of the most extensive dedicated test menus on the market, including; routine chemistries, lipids, antioxidants, cardiac and diabetes testing, guaranteeing complete patient profiling. Our vast test menu allows laboratories to expand their semi-automated testing capabilities and bring more testing in-house reducing additional costs of sending tests out. The extensive dedicated RX altona test menu offers exciting consolidation opportunities enabling laboratories to carry out both clinical chemistry and coagulation testing on one platform providing real cost savings.
Increased automatic features, such as automatic aspiration and automatic flagging of errors, guarantees precision, reliability and accuracy for results you can trust. Advanced built in QC software ensures problems can be detected as early as possible and performance can be monitored at all times giving laboratories complete confidence in patient results, eliminating the possibility of patient misdiagnosis. No confirmatory testing is required with high quality results first time saving the operator time and avoiding unnecessary additional costs of repeat testing. Up to 10 wavelengths can be generated via solid state filter device (340-700nm standard with optional 280nm) giving the RX altona a wide range of testing abilities ensuring a multitude of chemistries are possible on one system.
The RX altona comes complete with advanced password protection functions for analyser setup, assay management and QC result inclusion/exclusion. This ensures only those who should have access can gain access to this system giving laboratories complete confidence that their results are securely stored and patient confidentiality is protected.
The RX altona provides exciting opportunities to transform laboratory testing and is perfectly suited to a variety of laboratory types, including: clinical laboratories, specialised clinics, research & educational laboratories, veterinary laboratories and food and wine testing.
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