
A model for future success?

Volker Hüsken PhD: Following his PhD studies in information technology and economics, in the department of electrical engineering at the RWTH Aachen, Dr Hüsken became a systems engineer at Siemens AG, where he directed the development of the Super Computer Reference Centre. After several years as IT Director with Klöckner Datentechnik and EDS, he became Senior Consultant for strategic…


4 steps to successful staff planning

Most hospitals must now report on the origin, cost and usage of all equipment and supplies. However, far less is known about a hospital's most important and expensive* asset: employees. Despite financial pressures, DRGs, and the EuGH judgement, which aims to end stress (particularly for junior doctors) discussion of the economical and effective use of personnel is frequently avoided, or can evoke…



In preparation for EU entry, Romania's laboratories are in the process of raising standards.


Tap water

Hospital acquired infections affect about half a million people annually, and water is a serious source of infection.


Spanish model spreads wings

The Valencia Community Government, applying actual Spanish Legislation, has promoted an innovative healthcare model -based on private management of a public hospital.


Integration in 3 stages

Hospitals increasingly co-operate with other establishments, and networking is becoming a way of life. Such change is also occurring in many hospital laboratories. By co-operating with other hospital labs and laboratory institutes, hospital labs try to improve their financial situation. By Dr Burkhard Ziebolz of Roche Diagnostics GmbH


High flyers and high earners

Thousands of foreign medical professionals underpin the UK's National Health Service (NHS). In 2004, of the country's newly registered medics, two thirds of the doctors, and over 40% of the nurses, had come from other countries. In total, about 72,000 of the UK's 212,000 registered doctors are not British. That figure includes, for example, around 12,500 doctors from Africa and, from the EU,…


More distributors wanted

France - Danube, one of the world's biggest manufacturers of both flatwork dryer ironers, barrier washers, and tumble dryers, as well as front-loading washer extractors for the OPL market, has distributors in over 52 countries.



"Thermofocus* is the first non-contact clinical thermometer in the world and the only one working at an accurate and determinate distance," Tecnimed srl, its manufacturer, reports. "Body temperature is measured in less than one second by pointing Thermofocus at the centre of the forehead."


Touch-less sensor dispenser

The Japanese firm Saraya, which for 50 years has successfully manufactured hygiene products and programmes for healthcare, facility management and the food industry, has launched a touch-less hand disinfection unit in Europe. According to Mr ter Woort, General Manager, Saraya Europe, the company has already sold over 100,000 of these units in Asia & the USA.


Article • Internationalising IT systems

Agfa climbs over language and healthcare practice barriers

In recent years, Agfa HealthCare has dramatically expanded its IT portfolio in line with its strategy to be an international leader in healthcare IT. At the recent ITeG exhibition in Frankfurt, the company's ambitions were clearly visible: Agfa very much focused on ORBIS, its leading Hospital Information System. Daniela Zimmermann interviewed Eric Maurincomme, Vice President Business…


Brunel University offers unique Public Health Doctorate

UK - Brunel University is to provide a new three-year course offering a Doctorate in Public Health. The doctorate course, which will commence in October this year, is unique because it is cross-disciplinary, involving internationally recognised academics in medical anthropology, biostatistics, health economics, epidemiology, environmental sciences, health promotion, health services research,…


Air pollution

Whilst the harmful impact of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on various medical conditions was already known, only now is there evidence that NO2 in air pollution is a killer. According to the APHEA-2 study the chief culprits are emissions from diesel engines, which are increasingly popular in Europe.

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