Surgical Flat Panel C-Arms • STEPHANIX
Stephanix · Omniscop DReam-S Efficiency
Power: 4 kW
Detector: 21 × 21 cm
Pixel size: 200 μm

- Orthopaedic / Urology / Cerebral / Thoracic / Interventional Radiology / General intra-operatory
- Single unit system, all components integrated into the C-arm stand
- Very small footprint
- 4 Mpixel 27” medical monitor on an articulated arm, adjustable height and angle
- Dynamic FPD with high DQE and MTF
- Advanced functions : Anatomical programming mode (APR), post-processings, metal correction, low dose mode
- DICOM 3.0 connectivity
- Flat panel detector size : 21 x 21 cm
- Optional patient table