Surgical Flat Panel C-Arms • Ziehm Imaging GmbH
Ziehm · Ziehm Vision FD

Now in the upgraded CMOSline*, the Ziehm Vision FD features an enhanced imaging chain for excellent image quality and - thanks to the Advanced Active Cooling – is designed for continuous use.
In addition, finely tuned workflows and new software features help to optimize patient outcomes and further increase productivity. The Ziehm Vision FD is now also available with a 31 × 31 cm / a-Si flat-panel. The bigger detector size allows to cover larger anatomical regions in orthopedic and vascular surgery.
• Detector size: 21 cm x 21 cm (CMOS/IGZO) ; 31 cm × 31 cm (a-Si)
* CMOSline represents a system configuration that is based on a Ziehm Imaging CMOS flat-panel detector.