Injectors • Guerbet
Guerbet · OptiVantage Multi-use
Application: CT
Pressure: 22.4 bar
FlowRate: 0.1–10 ml / s

Dual head CT contrast delivery system.
When efficiency and care combine seamlessly
- OptiBolus feature to help reduce the contrast load
- Dedicated multi-patient software
- All in one preconnected 24h dayset, with closed system, air & particles filters
- Excellence and Essencial patient lines with security valves
- Only a few seconds preparation between patients
- Certified syringes & manyFill dayset
- Countdown timer to alert you of compliancy with hygiene regulations
- Safe with patency check, tilt enable, timing bolus and simultaneous Injection features
- Automatic operations (filling, priming)
- Scanner interface to CAN Open Class 4*
* dependent on scanner manufacturer
Components and consumables selected by the manufacturer