Mass Spectrometry • Shimadzu Europa GmbH
Shimadzu – CLAM-2040 CL (IVD)/ CLAM-2040 (RUO)

Dimensions: 670 × 700 × 1190 mm (w × d × h)
Weight: 185 kg
Assays: Immunosuppressants, Vitamin D, Steroids, Antiepileptics, Antiarrhythmics drugs, Amiodarone, Drugs of Abuse, Antidepressants, Neuroleptics
CLAM-2040 provides users seamless integration of automated sample preparation with LC-MS / MS to improve data quality, sample throughput, laboratory efficiency and safety Simple workflows allow users to go from blood collection tubes to results without any additional sample handling.
Each sample is processed successively in parallel, to optimize instrument usage. Easy to access software for management of reagents, calibration curves, control samples and maintenance ensure reliability and quality of results.