
QuantiPlasma antibodies for early lung cancer diagnostics licenced

Randox Laboratories and Biosystems International have announced the beginning of clinical validation of a lung cancer early detection test.

Clinical validation for new lung cancer test.
Clinical validation for new lung cancer test.
Source: Randox

A recent clinical trial involving over 1100 samples has been carried out in partnership with BioDiagnostica Kft across four leading lung cancer treatment centers in Hungary, and the promising results have resulted in advancing the test for further clinical validation.

Lung cancer is the most common cancer worldwide, with over 1.8 million new cases diagnosed in 2012 (13% of total cancer diagnosis)1.  As most lung cancer cases are diagnosed at a late stage this test provides an opportunity for earlier diagnosis across the world.   

Randox Chief Scientist, John Lamont, comments: “This large study has produced some exciting results and we are looking towards validating the test to bring it to a wider market.  This blood test can play a significant part in the early detection of lung cancer and distributing it to a global market will support easier and early diagnosis of this disease.”   

Laszlo Takacs, CEO and CTO of Biosystems International adds: “Our mAb libraries proved to be valuable for detecting both qualitative and quantitative variability of the proteome in cancer.  With Randox we are looking forward to continuing towards market introduction of the early detection test for lung cancer”.

Biosystems International Kft, BioDiagnostica Kft and Randox have signed a licencing agreement which enables Randox to distribute the test globally.  

1. Ferlay J, Steliarova-Foucher E, Lortet-Tieulent J, et al.Cancer incidence and mortality patterns in Europe: Estimates for 40 countries in 2012. European Journal of Cancer (2013) 49, 1374-1403.


Source: Randox


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