Image processing

Speedy quality image accessibility via inter- or intranet

dicomPACS, developed by the German manufacturer OR Technology in partnership with medical specialists, is now installed in 5,000 workstations globally, because, `It is set apart by a very clear and user friendly structure,´ OR points out.

‘AxRecon leverages the processing power of GPUs to speed-up CT scanner...
‘AxRecon leverages the processing power of GPUs to speed-up CT scanner workflow’

The company has also set  up an international competence network for dicomPACS with over 30 authorised, trained local partners to support users.
The solution has also been certified in accordance with the EU guideline 93/42/EEC Annex II (CE 0482) and its 510(k) (no. K070618) has been cleared by the FDA.
Along with features such as perfect memory, parallel compilation of diagnostic reports and individual customisation of the user interface, the current version 5.2 includes several new features and modules. ‘The newly developed web server allows fast image accessibility in original quality (DICOM) via internet or intranet and the new prosthesis module documentation allows the planning of operations with digital templates. dicomPACS can be extended by a number of modules, e.g. patient CD module, report module, video module etc. Another option is the processing of CT and MRT series incl. MIP and MPR functions.’
OR Technology, which has worked on imaging technology internationally for 16 years, deals exclusively with digital image processing and is certified according to the ISO 13485 quality management norm. The company provides system solutions for hospitals and specialists’ surgeries. Apart from its own product dicomPACS the solutions include digital X-ray systems with CR and DR, conventional X-ray technology, portable and mobile X-ray technology and computer systems for operating theatres.
For a free dicomPACS 5.2 demo version, or further information, contact:


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