Changing operations and work patterns

Along with advanced training courses, a training laboratory, video presentations, careers advice, satellite symposia to simplify the collation of clinical data, the forum will present a platform for young scientists.

Under the banner Surgery and Changing Systems, the 124th Congress of the German...
Under the banner Surgery and Changing Systems, the 124th Congress of the German Society for Surgery (1-5 May. ICM Munich) promises to be a stimulating programme. According to its President and Secretary General, respectively Professor H U Steinau (left) and Professor H Bauer, the focus will not only be on current operating procedures, interdisciplinary problem cases, and troubles with surgical provision under changing economic conditions, but the current situation for junior surgeons and future prospects for surgeons in Germany will come under scrutiny.

The new forum-panel also will define the ethical basics of experimental and clinical research.
On 2 May, the congress will merge with the Congress on Accident and Emergency Medicine, organised by regional branches of the Professional Medical Associations in Saxony and
Bavaria, to present and discuss aspects of rehabilitation, MRSA and particularly nosocomial illnesses acquired by operating theatre staff.
NB: For those who could not attend the congress the contents of the clinical and experimental sessions will be presented on the Society’s website (, and in publications from the DGC and the BDC.


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