Agfa HealthCare showcases its laboratory information system HEXALIS
Bioserveur/Mesanalyses.fr connects 1,400 laboratories, 130 healthcare facilities and 15,000 doctors for sharing information.

Agfa HealthCare will demonstrate its leading HEXALIS laboratory information system (LIS) at JIB/ACNBH, which takes place from 22 to 24 June 2016, at the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles - Hall 4.
Laboratory productivity and accreditation
Using its extensive and long-term experience, Agfa HealthCare develops and markets IT solutions to meet the specific needs of French hospitals and laboratories, whether public or private enterprises, single facilities or multi-site hospitals. This includes interoperability that supports the operational and secure information sharing between all healthcare players, offering a real benefit for laboratory groups, but also for the Health Territories currently being set up.
HEXALIS, Agfa HealthCare’s number one LIS in France, used by 1280 laboratories, helps support laboratories and hospitals to increase productivity, meet quality accreditation requirements, and develop additional added-value services for patients and healthcare players.
Traceability, monitoring and connectivity
HEXALIS consolidates key medical information for diagnosis, treatment and prevention. This includes management of at-home sample collection, computerized analysis ordering and inter-site packing lists, for better traceability and monitoring of sample tubes. Post-analysis, HEXALIS enables fast, secure distribution of results. Throughout the process, dedicated tools support the facility’s accreditation, data storage, decision-making and security requirements.
Agfa HealthCare has a long tradition of interoperability; HEXALIS supports LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes), which is the universal standard for identifying medical laboratory observations.
New value-added services
HPA: HEXALIS Patient Advanced is a new responsive and web-based solution that can be used with any standard internet browser, tablet and/or smartphone. It is intended for patients and hospitals, but also for laboratory groups. The hospital and/or laboratory group can set up a secure internet service that can be customized to the organization’s needs, to archive their patients’ results. This service reinforces the role of the laboratory staff as actors in the patient care continuum in their region, while offering a personalized service for their patients.
LABorne: interactive terminals at care sites save time for care providers, administrative staff and patients, who themselves request this type of service. Patients who wish a paper copy of their results can print them directly using the self-service function of the interactive terminal.
14 million documents shared on Bioserveur/Mesanalyses
The Bioserveur/Mesanalyses portal lets laboratories share results with patients and doctors, securely and easily. Patients can store, archive and consolidate all of their results from any laboratory. A mobile application gives them secure access to their results from their smartphone. It offers significant time savings for everyone, including the patient.
BIOSERVEUR: this solution creates a link between the hospital and external care providers, allowing health territories to bring their hospitals closer to their external partners and to consolidate the information of their external patients. The hospital’s order is sent directly and electronically to the external laboratory; once the results have been validated, the lab report is integrated directly into the electronic health record (EHR) of the ordering hospital. The service is already being used, for example, by 75 external laboratories in the Isère Health Territory, where more than 10,000 reports are integrated each year in the EHR of the University Hospital of Grenoble (CHU de Grenoble).
“With the integration of the clinical lab reports in ORBIS, we see better handling of patients and an optimization of the administrative staff’s time, which means healthcare staff no longer have to open and sort mail, or digitize documents into the EHR,” says Nathalie Bisson, Operational Manager of the TACTILIS program, CH de Saint-Lô/Coutances, American Memorial Hospital. “We carried out a study on the time spent handling reports from external laboratories for a maternity ward secretariat: it took up to 40 percent of the secretariat staff’s time.”