Integrated Hematology • Beckman Coulter Diagnostics
Beckman Coulter · DxH 900 Hematology Analyzer

Dimensions: 755.7 × 1,740 × 828 mm (w × h × d)
Weight: 254 kg
Sample throughput: Up to 100 samples / h
Power consumption: 520 W
The DxH 900 hematology analyzer is ideal for mid- to high-volume clinical laboratories performing complete blood count and white blood cell differential tests while minimizing repeat testing, allowing you to deliver the right results the first time. Achieve superb RBC, PLT and WBC differentials through near native-state cellular characterization and precise flagging
- Optimized processes help your laboratory maximize staff time through fewer slide reviews, automated QC, and longer walkaway and system uptime
- Most reportable results per square meter with industry-leading 93 percent first-pass yield and a > 40 percent smaller footprint than competitive instruments
- Exclusive Early Sepsis Indicator: a one-of-a-kind FDA cleared hematologic biomarker designed to help emergency department physicians identify sepsis sooner
- The analyzer features a variety of workcell configurations to match laboratory workload, with a mounted user interface, onboard power computer and wireless peripherals, eliminating the need for extra hardware, such as a cart.
- Newly introduced, the DxH Concentrated ECO Diluent reduces both the number of diluent box reloads and storage space by 94%, minimizing daily lab tasks
- DxH Concentrated ECO Diluent uses an RPI with a convenient built-in water purifi cation system and an intuitive software system that alerts when the cubitieres need changing