PET/MR • Siemens Healthineers AG
Siemens Healthineers · Biograph mMR
Gradient: 45 mT / m¹
Slewrate: 200 T / m / s¹
Channels: Up to 102 × 32

- Largest customer base of installed PET-MR systems worldwide
- State-of-the-art 3T MRI with 2nd order shim
- Comprehensive set of surface coils available for full range of MR-only exams
- Not only simultaneous, but synergistic PET-MR: MR-based motion compensation of PET images
- Whole-body MR-based PET attenuation correction including major bones
- Up to 10 bed positions with PET-MR
- Available with syngo MR E11 software
¹ Maximum gradient amplitude and slewrate can be applied simultaneously.