Mobile RIS / PACS Viewer

Visus - Radiologists discover the benefits of a medical archive

Radiologists are for ever looking for ways to optimize their processes. Now that applications for mobile devices provide location-­independent access to images they seek to integrate other medical data which might be diagnostically relevant.

JiveX Medical Archive
JiveX Medical Archive
Source: Visus

Mobile devices in healthcare facilities are more than a fad – they are here to stay. And after initial doubts IT experts and users alike now know exactly what mobile technology needs to offer to optimize processes. “The clients want applications that are platform-neutral and thus hardware-neutral. The users moreover have recognized that the real value add is generated by the integration of applications that are logically linked – such as integrating the PACS app into the HIS app,” says Willi Lohrke, Head of International Sales at VISUS whose JiveX Mobile product hits the mark. Based on HTML 5 the application is platform-neutral and as a stand-alone application it can be linked to the PACS of other vendors. In addition, the mobile viewer can be integrated into the apps of all renowned HIS vendors and provides access to image data straight from the mobile patient record.

More than images: JiveX Medical Archive
The potential of JiveX Mobile however goes far beyond the mobile device. Combined with JiveX Medical Archive not only radiological data can be viewed in DICOM format but also those of other medical disciplines. This is an added value more and more radiologists appreciate not only with regard to their mobile devices as Willi Lohrke confirms: “When we started to develop an archive for hospital-wide image and medical data and to present them on a single viewer, we used our experience from radiology where we have learnt how to handle standards such as DICOM or HL7, standards on which we have based JiveX Medical Archive. The radiologists in turn benefit from these developments: with the viewer they are used to they can access data in a format they are used to – namely DICOM – including data that were generated outside radiology such as cardiac cath lab data or medical reports which support their diagnostic work.“

JiveX Medical Archive can offer these functionalities because it is based exclusively on standards such as DICOM, HL7, HL7 CDA or PDF/A. Moreover it offers tools to convert non-standard data formats, for example those of ECGs, into a standard format.

Thus JiveX Medical Archive provides the framework for two tasks: the logical and time and money saving consolidation of different archives in a hospital and the cross-sector exchange of data. “Data exchange with referring physicians, other hospitals or healthcare facilities and medical offices plays an increasingly important role. This however requires a centralized infrastructure which forwards patient data in a logical way. DICOM format is ideally suited to take over this task because it ensures that patient context and patient data are always inextricably linked,” Willi Lohrke underlines.

Equally relevant in this context is another standard which is supported by JiveX Medical Archive: IHE-XDS (Cross Enterprise Document Sharing). It takes the idea of the medical archive to another level as it allows storing data in such a way that they can be made available not only within the hospital but across campus walls. For the hospitals, compliance with this standard not only optimizes the workflows, it also allows simple and system-independent data migration.

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