News • Paraplegia rehabilitation
To Walk Again with Exoskeleton Technology
On April 29th 2011, a car accident injured Tian-Zong’s spine and since then he has not been able to feel his legs and couldn’t to stand or walk again. His visual field has shrunk from 180 cm standing height to 110 cm when sitting on his wheelchair. At the time when the accident happened, he was only 36 years old and the scheduled wedding was forced to be cancelled.
Sitting on a wheelchair, Tian-Zong always needs to ask others for help, it makes him feel very uncomfortable and embarrassing. After the accident, he had always dreamed of standing up again. When he met FREE Walk, he was finally able to get back on his feet and walk again.

FREE Walk by FREE Bionics is an exoskeleton device designed for people with lower limb weakness or paraplegia. FREE Walk mimics the most natural human gait and helps people to stand up and walk again. With user-oriented technology and intelligent control, FREE Walk recognizes user’s intention by detecting posture changes to walk or stop at any time. With normal upper limb function, users can strap in and out of the device independently.
FREE Walk provides power at the hip and knee joints that greatly reduces the energy required for the paraplegics to sit, stand, and walk. When paraplegics can walk independently, it provides not only psychological effect, but also improves their physical conditions. “He is much stronger than I imagined him to be. I am happy that in my lifetime, I can see him stand up again. This is his challenge given by God. It gives him a chance to serve and contribute to others in the community. I am very glad and grateful.” Said by Tian-Zong’s father.
Tian-Zong told us his feelings that when he was finally able to walk again with Free Walk for the first time after accident. He said, “The thought that I could finally interact with others at the same level instead of always looking upwards, the joy brought tears to my eyes.”
Tian-Zong was married in January 2018 and walked down to the aisle with his wife with FREE Walk on his wedding day. He is now a good father of a lovely 1-year-old boy.
Source: FREE Bionics