The World of Health IT
Austria - Following the first World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition last year, the organisers have decided that the 2007 meeting (22-25 October) will 'move on from exploring fact-based IT solutions to examining health IT in the wider context of health delivery'.

The line-up of ‘star’ speakers includes:
Richard Granger, who recently resigned his post as Director General of IT for the UK’s National Health Service, in which he has served for five years. He is recognised for his ‘outstanding contribution’ to a massive modernisation programme that has made the NHS one of the world’s largest networked and HL7-compliant infrastructures.
Robert M Kolodner MD, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology at the Department of Health & Human Services in Washington DC, USA, a post to which he was appointed in April this year to advance the US President’s Health IT Initiative.
Richard C Alvarez, President & CEO of Canada Health Infoway, who is recognised for his contribution towards developing a national vision for reforming Canada’s healthcare system by using innovation and technology.
An event not to be missed by hospital and healthcare communications specialists.