The AU480 clinical chemistry anaylser
Olympus will present the latest member of its clinical chemistry analyser family at Medica.

‘With a throughput of up to 800 tests per hour, an ISE module and on board capacity of 63 different analytes, the Olympus AU480 is the ideal main analyser for small to medium size laboratories. It can also fit as a special chemistry or STAT analyser in large laboratories,’ the firm reports.
The analyser includes new Graphic User Interface software, standardised with the AU680, and master calibration established by 2-dimensional barcode. New state of the art sample and reagent volumes are also achieved by the AU480. ‘Sample volumes as low as 1 µl are ideal for paediatric testing,’ Olympus adds.
Also: New microscopy introductions
New microsocpy solutions on show at Medica will include the Olympus CX41 microscope with FluoLED Multi, enabling easy to handle fluorescence microscopy with up to three interchangeable LED cassettes. These are controlled at the same time via a three channel electronic driver, allowing multicolour observations. ‘LEDs are safer to use and produce light more efficiently than other fluorescence light sources, which combined with their long lifetime produces a cost effective, energy saving solution,’ the firm points out.
‘For telepathology applications, the new dotSlide 2.0 virtual digital microscopy system offers enhanced functionality and image quality for scanning entire slides at high resolution and fidelity,’ Olympus adds. ‘This advanced technology makes them accessible and fully navigable from anywhere on the globe. The new Olympus dotSlide 2.0 is therefore ideal for remote review, secondary consulations and multidisciplinary team discussions, as well as for training purposes.’
See them at MEDICA. Hall 10, Booth C20