Olympus BX46 microscope – Protecting operators with ergonomics

Source: Olympus

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Olympus BX46 microscope – Protecting operators with ergonomics

In microscopy, ergonomics is particularly important as long periods at the microscope put unusually specific constraints on posture. In certain roles, such as in pathology, microscopy forms a significant part of daily activities – sometimes taking up more than 50% of working hours. Protecting operators by preventing injuries is of utmost importance in these routine microscopy roles.

ergonomic settings on the olympus bx46 microscope
Figure 1: Olympus’ BX46 microscope. The ergonomic observation tube can change inclination, move forwards and upwards.
Source: Olympus

In a recent article, physiotherapist James Geary points out: “Operators tend to have their necks in a slightly forward position to reach the eyepieces. This often leads to an overuse of the muscles in the back and the neck as well as compressing the front of the neck joints. We therefore see a lot of problems with muscle strains. The muscles don’t get a chance to rest, which can lead to fatigue and pain.”

One way to ensure comfort for routine microscopy professionals is to have a microscope that can be adjusted to each operator. A personalised setup allows a much higher degree of customisation and the height of the operator in particular is important in determining the ideal setup.

In response to the specific requirements for routine microscopy, Olympus has developed a range of clinical microscopes that meet these ergonomic challenges. By carefully analysing the repeated steps of routine microscopy, microscope frames have been designed with optimised placement of controls and additional adjustment options. This greatly improves user comfort and productivity while minimising the risk of errors.

Olympus’ BX46 upright clinical microscope features a unique ergonomic observation tube* that has the flexibility to move forward, upward and change inclination to meet the user’s eye position (figure 1).

hand operating the olympus bx46 microscope
Figure 2: The BX46’s low stage and controls allow the operator to rest their arms and hands in a natural position.
Source: Olympus

It also has a fixed-height stage and low-positioned controls to make it easier to change specimen quickly and operate the microscope with minimal stress on the forearms (figure 2).

These specialised ergonomic features are perfect for repetitive routine microscopy, enabling the operator to find the optimal user setup. As James explains in the article: “The ideal setup is that you get your back and your neck in a neutral position and let the microscope come to you – the BX46 did exactly that.”

Get comfortable in your routine - find out how the BX46 can help you find and maintain your ideal posture with a three-dimensional adjustable observation tube and specialised ergonomic features.

*The ergonomic observation tube is also available on the BX53 LED microscope - optimised for clinical and laboratory applications.


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