Improving blade geometry
Komet Medical report that the firm's K-2000 saw blade has been further improved, and that a completely new blade geometry for 'Evolution' has been developed, to provide an even smoother and more controlled penetration into bone.

‘An increased number of teeth ensure smooth running; blade wobbling is avoided,’ the firm points out. ‘The TiN-coating on the teeth (fig. 1) increases efficiency of sawing due to higher stability. The saw blade maintains its sharpness, achieving an optimum quality cut. Additionally, the coating minimises material abrasion.’
The matt and non-reflective surface eliminates reflection from theatre lights. The saw blade openings increase the field of vision during surgery and reduce heat generation. The high bending resistance for even, precise cuts has not changed, which allows for a precise prosthetic fit, the firm continues, adding: ‘The Evolution saw blade features a uniform blade and cut thickness (zero offset) and can be optimally guided in the template allowing a perfect cut and eliminating damage or heat generation. All blade thicknesses from 0.89 to 1.47 mm cut zero offset (fig. 2).’
For optimum results, a new saw blade is recommended for each operation, but Komet Medical says this saw blade can be used several times - until the TiN-coating starts to ‘come off’; then the blade should be replaced.
A FREE sample is available from the Komet Medical catalogue ‘Evolution’, which also shows a wide range of saw blades (see fig. 3) for the most popular power systems: cutting depth: 50 to 90 mm, width:13.00 to 31.20 mm. Blade and cut thickness: 0.89 to 1.47 mm.
Catalogue details: