News • Scientific congress

ECR: Not just for radiologists

The European Congress of Radiology (ECR) has long been regarded as the annual scientific meeting for radiologists. However, as some might not know, it is also the official scientific congress for medical imaging of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS). With a record participation of nearly 2,000 radiographers from over 60 countries at ECR 2017, the ECR has further strengthened its position as also a truly international congress for radiographers active in the field of medical imaging in Europe.  

The European Congress of Radiology - Entrance hall
With a record participation of nearly 2,000 radiographers from over 60 countries at ECR 2017, the ECR has further strengthened its position as also a truly international congress for radiographers active in the field of medical imaging in Europe.
Source: ESR

“Daily clinical radiology involves teamwork and radiographers are crucial members of the team. I see it as an obligation to commit ourselves even more to this endeavour in the future to achieve the best benefit for the patient. On a personal note, I am delighted that, besides an all-time high in submitted abstracts for ECR 2018, there also is a promising increase in radiographer submissions, something we very much hoped to see happening for the upcoming congress“, emphasised Prof. Bernd Hamm from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany, who serves as ESR President and Chair of the ECR 2018 Programme Planning Committee. One of the major goals laid down in the current Memorandum of Understanding between the ESR and the EFRS is to promote research among radiographers and to strengthen collaboration in areas of common interest.

To meet this goal, many efforts have been undertaken to provide an even more attractive programme for radiographers at ECR 2018 (February 28 – March 4, Vienna/Austria). The scientific radiographer programme will include 21 sessions featuring 111 presentations over 5 days. Most of these sessions will be translated simultaneously from English into German, French, Italian, and Spanish. New at ECR 2018 are the ESR/EFRS joint awards, which recognise achievements in various categories.

In addition to its successful ‘Invest in the Youth’ programme, which has supported more than 7,000 young professionals (radiology residents, medical physicists undertaking PhDs, radiographers in training) over the last 15 years, the ESR, under the presidency of Prof. Hamm, has introduced a new initiative exclusively dedicated to radiographers at the beginning of their career  called the ESR ‘Shape your Skills’ programme. This supports 500 early-career radiographers by giving them free registration for the ECR and two nights’ hotel accommodation.

Source: ESR


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