Back on site: After a three-year pause of digital-only activity, the European Congress of Radiology is back to its live format in 2022.

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Article • Radiology congress preview

Beets-Tan to shake things up at ECR 2022

After two online meetings and a teaser last March, the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) is coming home to the Austria Center Vienna, in July 13-17. We spoke with Regina Beets-Tan, president of the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the meeting, about how radiologists must build bridges with other specialists, the industry, and patients to go forward.

Report: Mélisande Rouger

HiE: This will be the first onsite ECR in three years. What does it feel like?

portrait of regina beets-tan
Professor Regina Beets-Tan, MD, PhD

Image source: ESR

Beets-Tan: ‘I’m very excited. Finally we can meet! That’s already creating a different atmosphere because everyone is so happy to meet each other again. I also expect the programme will be embraced and accepted by the audience because of the positive feedback we had in March. In the overall congress evaluation, 95% of attendees rated the scientific programme excellent or good.’ 

The meeting will be held in July for the next four years. Do you expect this change will affect congress participation? 

‘This change definitely brings new opportunities. Speakers are happy to come, and I think people are adapting their schedules, some people are even traveling with their families. The RSNA is in December and the ECR used to be in March, so there was only a very short time between the two meetings. Now I would expect more people would be able to attend both.’

What can you tell us about the scientific programme?

‘It’s a provocative programme. I’ve invited many other specialists, but also members of the industry to take part in scientific sessions. We will have more than 120 speakers from other disciplines in our 90 multidisciplinary sessions, including presidents of major European societies, such as ESMO, ESTRO, ESSO and ECO, as well as leaders from the EU. 

‘I also invited the industry to take part in sessions. I want to build bridges with the industry to get to the other side of the bridge, which is patient care. We all need to come together to deliver high quality care. But we need to be on the same level. You can’t just ask the industry to sponsor radiology. It needs to be more than this. You have to take them into the discussion about our future and how to get there. I did that in March and our attendees loved their input.’  

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‘I strongly encourage delegates to attend those Building Bridges sessions and the Round Table discussions, especially those on the role of the radiologist in 2030, that will bring all these specialists and leaders together.’

Patients will also be very present with the Patients in Focus sessions. Is this a sign of the times?

I see patients as our equal partners and I want them to talk to us, so we can better understand their needs

Regina Beets-Tan

‘Patients play an increasingly active role in healthcare. Yet, although patients reach out and want to see the radiologist themselves, there’s the treating physician, who says he or she can share the images with the patient. That’s not what patients want. Bringing everyone together – patients and all experts in the multidisciplinary team, including radiologists – is the key towards better patient care. 

‘I see patients as our equal partners and I want them to talk to us, so we can better understand their needs. That’s why the In Focus program at ECR 2022 will be dedicated to patients.’

What can you tell us about these new Open Forum sessions?

‘Young radiologists and radiographers will find plenty of moments to connect with professors and mentors at the Young ECR Open Forum and Radiographers Open Forum to help them build a career in radiology. 

‘Radiographers will also have an excellent profile at the congress. There will be two Open Forum programs dedicated to ESR activities because I want people to know what the society can do for them. At the AIX theater, delegates will be able to meet all the AI companies, and at the Cube, the latest available techniques in interventional radiology will be displayed.’ 

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‘At ECR 2022, science will meet pleasure. At the Summer Lounge, radiologists can relax and network with their friends and at the ECR party we can celebrate radiology and dance throughout the night.  And finally, do not miss the ECR 2022 Welcome Ceremony. It will be spectacular, and I will share with the audience my vision for radiology.  See you in Vienna!’ 


Professor Regina Beets-Tan, MD, PhD, is Chair of the Department of Radiology at The Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam. Her clinical expertise is in oncologic and abdominal imaging. Her track record is in colorectal cancer imaging research. The research at her department focuses on planar imaging of various cancer types, including research in interventional oncology and artificial intelligence. Professor Beets-Tan is the current President of the ESR, President of ESGAR, and member of the EU Mission Board for Cancer. She represents ESR on the board of the European Cancer Organisation (ECO). Professor Beets-Tan is a member of several editorial boards of peer-reviewed journals and books, has authored or co-authored over 350 publications, and delivered over 550 lectures in radiological and clinical society meetings. She has received several scientific and teaching awards, including the 2013 ESOR Best Teacher Award and the ISMRM Outstanding Teacher Award in 2008, 2009, and 2014.


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