Article • Congress
4th Annual COCIR Digital Health Summit
6 December 2017, Brussels
Digital transformation of health and care – the voice of stakeholders
It is undeniable that European health and care systems are in need of substantial reform if they are to address the challenges posed by the demographic shift to an ageing society and the increasing burden of chronic diseases and related co-morbidities this brings. Integrated Care is increasingly recognised as the optimal way of delivering more efficient, people-centred care and reversing the increasing fragmentation of health and social care Systems.
Digital health innovation will be a critical element contributing to health and care transformation.
Health technologies can profoundly transform care delivery for the better, enabling simultaneous population health improvements, greater quality of care and more sustainable health and care systems.
Harnessing the potential of digital health innovation demands all stakeholders in the health sector to align their efforts. It needs agreement on what has to be done, by whom and at what level. This event provides a platform for health care stakeholders and patients to share their ideas and perspectives on how to transition from aspiration to real transformation and action at scale.
This event provides a platform for health care stakeholders and patients to share their ideas and perspectives on how to transition from aspiration to real transformation and action at scale.
The outcomes of the panel debates and discussions may help define some of the measures for inclusion in a multi-stakeholder Digital Health Roadmap.
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