News • Total cost of ownership
“Understanding the total cost of imaging equipment”
FUJIFILM SonoSite is helping point of care ultrasound users to understand the total cost of imaging equipment ownership with a recently published article entitled Need to purchase imaging equipment? Consider all the costs of ownership.
This concise report, written by FUJIFILM SonoSite’s Chief Operation Officer Rich Fabian, outlines the elements that make up the total cost of ownership (TCO) for hospital imaging equipment. Calculating the TCO for any clinical imaging system must consider both the purchase price and ongoing costs of use, but should look beyond the obvious expenditure on servicing and maintenance. The so-called ‘soft costs’ of ownership can have a significant impact on overall spending over the lifetime of imaging equipment, and can even influence the value of future purchases. From upgradeability and training to warranties and loan equipment, the article details the main economic points to consider when choosing an imaging system.