The Global E-Health Forum – Hamburg 2011

Improving the quality of healthcare, increasing the efficiency of the systems and ensuring patient empowerment - these are common goals worldwide when discussing the necessary transformation of healthcare systems to guarantee sustainable healthcare delivery in the future. The Global E-Health Forum – Hamburg 2011 will represent major stakeholders involved in designing personalised healthcare.

Photo: The Global E-Health Forum – Hamburg 2011

‘E-Health is increasingly seen as a key enabler for this transformation and as a key enabler for the evolution process towards personalised healthcare,’ says Ljubisav Matejevic, founder and honorary chairman of the Global E-Health Forum.

‘Healthcare that is proactive, instead of reactive, gives patients the opportunity and responsibility to become more involved in their own health. The ultimate goal will be to shape preventive and diagnostic care to match each person’s unique characteristics.’ The initiators of the Global E-Health Forum – the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, IBM and ICC - have developed this platform to discuss e-health strategies, best practices and new services/ patient-centric approaches in a global context. While the main target groups consist of CEOs, CIOs and CFOs of hospitals and clinics, the comprehensive programme will also attract representatives from government bodies, health insurance organisations, service providers, influencers from hospital and health management associations as well as representatives from universities/research institutes. Canada supports this year’s forum as its partner country.

Key international speakers will include Richard C Alvarez, President and CEO of Canada Health Infoway: Transforming Healthcare in Canada through E-Health; Dr Eric M Liederman, Director of Medical Informatics, The Permanente Medical Group (USA): Balancing Privacy Protection with Patient Care, and Chai Chuah, National Director, National Health Board Business Unit, New Zealand Ministry of Health: Sustainable Personalised Healthcare - Challenges and Opportunities. Their strategy presentations and case studies will be complemented by workshops and an exhibition of solution providers.


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