The 360° view
For 170 years, the German firm seca has set worldwide standards for medical scales and measuring stations. Today, its products are used by medical teams in 110 countries, measuring a range of patients from tiny premature babies to adults weighing 300kg and basket ball players soaring to 7’ 4” high.

For the family run seca such a successful track record inspired its new generation -- brothers Robert Vogel, CEO Sales & Marketing, and Frederik Vogel, CEO Development & Manufacturing – to continue the set a trend by changing the product portfolio. For four years they developed and perfected a unique technology, which has resulted in a range of products that are not only adaptable but ‘think’ for themselves. The range? seca 360°
The seca 360° wireless is not an individual product, it is a philosophy on which all seca scales and length measuring stations will be based. Curious about this concept, which was officially launched in November 2010, European Hospital visited Robert Vogel at the company’s headquarters in the Hanseatic city of Hamburg, to hear more.
Explaining the focus of seca’s innovation driven by the needs and circumstances experienced by seca product users, as well as cost pressures on the healthcare systems, Robert Vogel pointed out: ‘The first to feel this pressure are the staff; however, at the same time, the demand for quality and efficiency increases. Therefore we wanted to offer a system that simplifies workflow and simultaneously is more effective.’
Direct data transmission via radio
In this case, functioning particularly relates to functioning in the hospital. The main attraction of the seca 360° wireless is that, in future, the scales and measuring stations will simply and safely transfer data directly to the patient data management system via radio signal. As electronic recording of measurements is increasingly mandatory in many countries, Robert Vogel is convinced that this is where the future of medical technology lies: ‘It is not only in the US where the reforms in the healthcare system have stimulated discussion around Electronic Medical Records (EMR) but also in Europe. That’s why we are already fitting all our seca products with a WLAN chip suitable for radio transmission without charge, so that even customers who are not yet active in EMR are equipped for the future.’ Thus at a later stage, all customers have to do is acquire a receiver stick for the computer and the radio transmission software seca emr flash 101. Adaptation to the different HL7 and GDT standards is possible without a problem.
Getting to the heart of measurements
seca takes this a step further. For those already working with digital patient files, seca analytics 105 software already facilitates quick, precise interpretation of vital functions. ‘seca analytics 105 offers a type of interface where different data converges,’ he explained. ‘The software links the measurements on size and weight with other parameters from the digital patient file, such as blood count, and merges all data into an overall picture. The individual modules allow an insight into the energy balance, growth curves and cardiometabolic risk of individual patients. The doctor therefore receives informative support to make his diagnosis.’
Service and simplicity
The modular concept of the seca 360° wireless product range is based on expandability, which means seca is centred in a metamorphosis from product to systems provider. Robert Vogel takes this responsibility very seriously: ‘We knew from the beginning that this new orientation for the company would have to be based on three columns – products, software and service. Even the best technology is of no use if the provider does not offer help before, during and after purchase of the product. This is why our service technicians advise and look after our customers on site to ensure the products work faultlessly. And the customers are mostly surprised how simply everything works.’
seca 360° wireless – benefits at a glance
•Wireless communication instead of cable connections
•System components can be set up anywhere
•seca’s own secure wireless protocol for simple, quick recognition of devices in the seca 360° wireless network
•Paperless and error-free transmission of measurements
•Software seca analytics 105 for diagnostic assistance based on highly qualified analysis and assessment of health status and nutritional condition of the patient
•Graphic presentation of measurements and their comparison to standard values – digital display or hard copy printout (DIN A4)
•All measurements are EMR integrated for inclusion in electronic medical records.