Scales to fit all patients and needs

The Hamburg-based company seca has specialized in the manufacture of weighing and height measuring scales for over 165 years. Today, the firm has locations in Switzerland, the UK, France, Japan, China, Mexico and the USA, and manufactures products in Germany, the Czech Republic and China, and exports its range of products - which include infant, column and flat scales, with height measuring scales, as well as chair, wheelchair and bed scales - to 110 countries.

At Medica, seca products can be seen in Hall 12 Booth A63.

As an example of the need for accuracy in scales used for patient care, seca points to the importance of body weight in diabetes therapy:

More than 10 million people in Europe have Diabetes mellitus and 90% of these suffer Type 2 diabetes. An increasing number of young adults, and even children, are becoming affected by this so-called adult-onset diabetes.
Body weight plays an important part in the prevention and treatment of this type of diabetes: More than 90% of all Type 2 diabetics are overweight. On the one hand, excess weight combined with the wrong diet and a lack of exercise promotes the development of the disease. On the other, any reduction in weight makes a positive impact on the course of the disease. A weight loss of just 5% to 10% has a positive impact on the medication. However, it is also known that overweight Type 2 diabetics find it harder to lose weight than overweight people who are not suffering from the disease. Moreover, some medical treatment, such as the administration of insulin, can promote weight gain.
Therefore, controlling a patient’s weight must be an integral part of any diabetes therapy, right from the start. Precise and reliable results are required – sensitive scales that register the slightest change – and therefore loss - in weight can show up success quickly and help to motivate patients. Therefore, doctors and nurses should use user-friendly scales with high functionality, which deliver fast and accurate results. seca, which manufactures multi-function scales, says their products meet these demands and can be used to accurately weigh very overweight patients as well as they have a capacity of up to 300kg. Moreover, these scales show weight in graduations of 100g up to 200kg and 200g thereafter. The slightest changes in weight are therefore precisely indicated.
If diabetes therapy is carried out in conjunction with a controlled diet, which includes the weighing of meals or even individual ingredients, then the diet- and kitchen scales seca culina 852 – are the right product for the job.


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