PACS: Netcentric clinic services based on JiveX product line

Hospitals must digitally keep medical documents audit proof, which involves a lot of material and personnel efforts.

From left: Axel Fromm, Senior Business Consultant in Business Centre...
From left: Axel Fromm, Senior Business Consultant in Business Centre Healthcare, T-Systems; Jörg Holstein, Managing Director of Visus; Andreas Dahm-Griess, Director Business Centre Health Care, T-Systems; and Peter Rosiepen, Visus Sales Manager

Following the principle ‘Software as a Service’, Telekom subsidiary T-Systems, together with Visus, offers a solution that covers installation, maintenance and services for the necessary systems. ‘Customers can rent Services on a flexible basis,’ Visus explains. ‘They will pay per examination respectively per data unit (e.g. Gigabyte) or they simply pay a fixed price for each year of archiving.
So they do not have to invest in their own hardware and software.’
The system is already successful in the market, Visus points out. Currently, Visus and T-Systems are taking over external long term archiving for three hospitals within the Evangelischen Stiftung Augusta in Bochum, Germany, starting with a data amount of more than ten terabyte. ‘A user hotline comes with the offer of T-Systems and Visus.
Also included in this service is the necessary data and/or hardware implementation within the scope of the stipulated term of safekeeping,’ Visus adds.
‘The digital long term archiving solution has been developed according to the regulations of the IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise).
It aims at unifying data exchange in using standards like Health Level 7 (HL7) and DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine). With that the development, awarded a prize by the State of North-Rhine Westphalia, a high degree of investment security for customers is ensured.’


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