German hospitals in construction fever

Trade fair presents the latest news in the field of hospital construction

Germany's hospitals are currently experiencing a construction boom: Whether its renovation, expansion or even new construction - the number of construction projects at German health care facilities is currently higher than at any time for 35 years with more than 1050 projects currently being implemented.

Photo: German hospitals in construction fever

These were the findings of a study conducted by the corporate consultancy company Schwab Marketing (Source: kma report on construction and planning 2013). The "Hospital Build & Infrastructure Europe" (HBIE) trade fair from 3 to 4 September 2013 in Hamburg will show how hospitals can use redevelopments and conversion projects to make themselves fit for the future. Three accompanying congresses, more than 60 exhibitor stands and two intensive workshops are awaiting specialist visitors to this international event. 40 speakers from Europe, the USA and Asia will shed light on the very latest opportunities for the new construction and renovation of hospitals, present their successful projects and discuss financing options in their - simultaneously translated - presentations. The trade fair programme can be viewed on the internet at:

Interdisciplinary meeting point for decision-makers
Hospital Build & Infrastructure Europe (HBIE) is a European meeting place for decision-makers in the field of hospital construction. It serves as a platform for the interdisciplinary exchange of information between planners, architects and hospital equippers, as well as operators and clinic directors. Investors also regularly use the trade fair to receive information about promising ideas and projects.

Invest in green building and reduce energy costs
Pioneering approaches for hospital developments define the event "Leaders in Healthcare" - one of three accompanying congresses as part of the HBIE trade fair. The congress will be chaired by Mark Suiter, Chief Economist for Health Care Organisation and Strategy at the Dutch hospital project development company Simed, and experts will use the congress to discuss emerging new trends in the health care sector. One example is sustainability: A study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology calculated that German hospitals are faced with energy costs of around 1.7 billion euros per year. According to the institute, these costs could be reduced if the hospitals renovated their old systems and optimised their energy provision. The hospital operator Asklepiosis is one of the pioneers in this area with its "Green Hospital" programme. Dr. Wolfgang Sittel, Head of Architecture and Construction at the Asklepios Group, will present the concept at the trade fair. This trend for organising hospitals in an environmentally-friendly way is also the focus of the work carried out by Dr. Rolando Gennari, Senior Adviser Energy Savings Bond / Cut Power. He will present new off-balance-sheet financing solutions for energy efficiency in the health care sector at the trade fair.

New partnerships in Russia
Investors currently have high expectations for public-private partnership (PPP) models in Russia. The Russian Federation has already made investment in their country more attractive due to a series of legislative changes and a new federal law is now set to boost PPP projects. Farit Kadyrow, Deputy Director of the Russian Ministry of Health, will discuss the investment opportunities in the Russian health care sector - particularly those available within the framework of PPP projects - at the trade fair. While Michael Yugay from the Higher School of Economics in Moscow will also shed some light on the health care reform in his country and discuss new management models. The issue of how to take account of international standards in the planning of new hospital construction projects will be discussed by Henning Lensch, CEO of RRP International Hospital Planners, and Andreas Duschl, Managing Director of Duschl Ingenieure.

Creating a healing environment with modern clinic design
The organiser of the event, Informa Exhibitions, has also been able to secure renowned architects and representatives from European hospitals for the series of presentations "Design, Build, Upgrade". Alan Dilani, Head of the International Academy for Design and Health and a qualified physician and architect, will provide an insight into the hospital design of the future at the HBIE trade fair. Hospital operators are already arming themselves with the tools to deal with future requirements: Dr. Wim Tambeur will report at HBIE on his work to create a modern health care campus for the University Hospital Leuven - the largest hospital in Belgium. How a newly planned hospital can fit perfectly into its city surroundings and thus create a "healing environment" will be discussed by Jasper Meijer, Corporate Real Estate Manager at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Dordrecht, Holland, and architect Rob Kanbier from the company Kuiper Compagnons. In addition, Prof. Ir. Bas Moelenaar from the architectural office EGM will talk about the importance of using the right materials in hospital design.
The third series of presentations at HBIE will focus on process optimisation and facility management. Sujata Malik, Director of Medical Services at the Ruby Hall Clinic in Pune, India, will talk at the congress about personnel planning in her 500 bed city hospital. While Communications and Marketing Director Maurice Codourey will discuss how the Waid City Hospital in Zurich is using selected design features to help achieve shorter periods of inpatient treatment. Kashif Jassani, Head of Quality Assurance at the Pakistani health care organisation Aga Khan Health Service will also demonstrate how it is possible to improve quality in the health care sector even with limited resources.

Workshops provide information on long-term archiving and subsidies
HBIE will cover two special topics in cooperation with the European Centre of Expertise for the Health Care Industry in free workshops: Klaus Aulenbacher, Managing Director of the European Centre of Expertise for the Health Care Industry, and Jörg Asma from KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft will discuss the secure and legally compliant long-term archiving of medical data. In the second workshop, participants will learn how health care facilities can secure subsidies with a convincing project idea.


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