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Electronic monitoring of hand hygiene
‘Electronic monitoring systems are proven to assist healthcare institutions to make sustained improvements in hand hygiene compliance.’ [Scheithauer S, et al. Do WiFi-based hand hygiene dispenser systems increase hand hygiene Compliance? American Journal of Infection Control (2018)]. ‘Using these systems,’ adds the manufacturer Ophardt Hygiene, ‘a continuous stream of objective data is available at the click of a button, allowing hygiene personnel to provide prompt feedback on hand hygiene behaviour.
‘Intelligent hygiene dispensers record the location, a time stamp and the dosage dispensed for each disinfection event. This data is then sent to a web-based software enabling hygiene personnel to deliver training where compliance falls below targets, and optimise dispenser locations to further encourage hand disinfection.’
Digital hand hygiene of the next generation

The ingo-man plus dispenser series is the number one dispenser in German hospitals, the company points out. ‘Millions of these dispensers are installed on the walls of hospitals and clinics around the world. In an effort to enable existing dispensers to support the transition to digital hand hygiene, Ophardt Hygiene has unveiled a new innovation with the ingo-man SmartNose. The SmartNose is an intelligent, retrofittable unit that allows the smart conversion of all existing manual 500 ml ingo-man plus dispensers.’
Installation takes less than 30 seconds by replacing an existing dispenser’s face shield (nose); no other changes are needed. A feedback LED is integrated with the SmartNose, which immediately lights up once sufficient disinfectant has been dispensed, the company explains, adding that this ensures the right amount of product has been applied for a thorough hand disinfection.
Many licensed Ophardt Hygiene Monitoring Systems have been tailored to suit specific needs and are now installed in European hospitals.
*The intelligent ‘nose’ is also available as a pre-assembled solution in the Ophardt’s dispensers – on show at this year’s Medica.
Ophardt Hygiene is at Medica:
Hall 6 / Stand K20