Display & software solutions
A medium-size firm with ever-broadening horizons
Whether in endoscopy, surgery, clinical diagnosis or just for viewing, the quality of the display has a significant impact on the result. In addition, the quality expectations for display systems are increasingly dependent on individual requirements in different hospitals or even departments. Over the years, MeDiSol, the medical division of Rein EDV, has specialised in flexible display solutions and established a considerable product range. Manfred Steil from Product Marketing and Sven Rahn, Product Manager Totoku & Viewmedic Displays at MeDiSol discussed these, as well as the PC- and software solutions produced by this medium-sized company based in Willich, Germany, with Meike Lerner of European Hospital

ML: MeDiSol is part of a standard computer company yet you offer a very broad medical product portfolio. How did this transpire?
Manfred Steil: Rein EDV entered the medical sector as a distributor of medical displays manufactured by Totoku. We are still closely linked with Totoku and, as a distributor of the Totoku medical displays, successful not only in Germany. In addition we have started to develop our own solutions in the area of viewing displays, along with systems suitable for use in operating theatres, also supplied as displays with an integrated PC solution. With all our developments we were obviously able to build on our experience in industry and now our own developments have all become market leaders - none more so than the operating theatre solutions of our Viewmedic Vario range, which is, for instance, the ideal alternative to a conventional light-box. It combines two monitors with different possibilities for configuration along with a PC system that meets the standard user requirements. So, over the years our medical division has grown and grown to the extent that it is now generating two thirds of our overall turnover, with an upward trend.
What is the recipe for the company’s success?
MS: Our individuality, flexibility and service. As a medium-sized company with around 50 staff we can respond to special customer requirements systematically and with ease. These customers include large medical technology companies such as Philips, GE or Maquet, to name a few. We jointly develop solutions and then check whether we can offer the respective systems or whether we are able to develop new ones. In many cases we also offer alternatives to existing systems because we can react quickly and with flexibility, seeing how we have the support for the different areas directly in-house.
Which of your systems are currently in the spotlight?
MS: In the area of viewing displays, we have just established a completely new line-up that we have adapted to the existing market expectations for more specifications. The products have been geared towards the respective areas of use, such as endoscopy or post-processing. Our 42” monitor, which is particularly suitable for use in endoscopy or surgery, is currently also very successful. And we are continuously developing areas such as ease of use and ergometry.
Sven Rahn: A further important area, which has just started to develop very well, is our range of software solutions for quality management. We are a little bit annoyed here, because, only a few years ago, we were at the cutting-edge of web-based quality management solutions. But – and this is the downside of a medium-size company – we were not able to push ahead with this project, which has cost us time. Nevertheless, we are still quite a way ahead with our solution, which is currently installed in about 50 German hospitals. The advantage of a web-based solution compared with our competition is that we have responded very precisely to suggestions from users, which has enabled us to supply our customers with an extremely user-friendly solution. The system is multilingual and can be updated quickly and without interruptions. So far, we have had a lot of positive feedback and we are also just beginning to install the software in other European countries. Looking at our developments so far, I am convinced that we will also be successfully established in the market with our quality assurance software in the foreseeable future.