Perspectives beyond protective ventilation
From 18th till 20th February 2009 the 19th Symposium of Intensive Care will take place in Bremen, Germany. During the symposium a presentation of the latest clinical data in form of a scientific symposium “Perspectives beyond protective ventilation” will take place on Friday, 20th February. These data enable new therapy chances for acute and chronic pulmonary patients.

As mechanical ventilation is directly associated with a high mortality rate on the intensive care unit, the understanding of lung protecting ventilation, so called “protective” ventilation, has been broadly established in the intensive care medicine. But this can be exceeded! Innovative therapies such as the iLA Membrane Ventilator® or high frequency oscillatory ventilation allow a real lung protection which can go beyond current “protective” ventilation standards. Thus new therapy chances will be provided – for example for patients with an acute respiratory failure, an acute aggravation of a chronic pulmonary disease (so called exacerbated COPD) or for patients being in a prolonged weaning process from the mechanical ventilation.
New findings can increase survival rates
Through this symposium the participants will be informed on newest experiences in the application of these latest technologies. On the basis of actual clinical data and case studies the enabling therapy methods will be presented. Physician and nurses will learn about new therapy approaches which focus on healing and regeneration of the lung and therefore might improve patient’s outcome.
Worldwide reputable speakers
You can look forward to a very interesting morning with worldwide known speakers:
• Prof. Kuhlen (HELIOS Hospital Berlin-Buch, Germany) will present latest clinical user data of the iLA Membrane Ventilator® and
• Prof. Bein (University Hospital Regensburg, Germany) questions in his speech if a tidal volume of 6 ml/kg PBW is protective enough.
• Mrs. Dr. Rosseau (Charité Berlin, Germany) will discuss case studies regarding the therapeutically option for the iLA Membrane Ventilator® on hypercapnia insufficiency and
• Prof. Quintel (University Hospital Göttingen, Germany) will present the high frequency oscillatory ventilation as a further option for protective ventilation.
German Website of the 19th Symposium of Intensive Care