KIMES 2011
Watching a medical industry shift into top gear
Korea has a large, diverse and vibrant medical device manufacturing industry, which has boomed in recent decades due to the rapid growth of the country’s economy. The scale of its medical industry was very evident at the 27th Korea International Medical and Hospital Equipment Show (KIMES) held at the Convention and Exhibition Centre (COEX) in March.

Noticeably bigger this year than in previous years, the event has grown along with the development of South Korea’s medical industry, to become a world class trade fair.
Along with 1,045 firms from 32 countries, 453 Korean manufacturers exhibited their wares.
Speaking at the opening of the show, Choong Jun Kim, president and CEO, Korea E & Ex, the organisers of KIMES, noted that the event is an important gauge of the direction the medical technology industry is taking. ‘It is valuable to see the evolution of leading high tech products, eco-friendly products and other diverse solutions along with the convergence of IT and medical technology.’
Indeed, this was a complete healthcare show, in that the range of exhibits included everything from drugs and oriental medicine to medical devices and hospital accommodation.
The country’s own medical industry has developed from a focus on disease treatment to the enlargement of its medical services and healthcare quality, expanding its level to that of an advanced country. Korea also has a great opportunity to expand outwards by, for example, increasing exports, product diversification and focusing knowledge on intensive high-tech medical equipment based on IT. Portable diagnostic devices were exhibited, for example, which provide time and cost reductions, and a digital diagnostic system to enable remote consultations.
As one of the industries that could drive the Korea economy in the future, to stimulate growth in this sector, the Korean government provides a blue print for political and financial support of the medical industry. Among government and other bodies supporting the show were the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs, Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Korea Food & Drug Administration (KFDA), the Korea Trade Investment Promotion Agency, Korea Health Industry Development Institute and several other healthcare related associations.