Integrated system for dispensing methadone and narcotics
Agfa HealthCare announced that it has signed a cooperation agreement with Imagitive GmbH, based in Niederkassel, Germany, to integrate Imagitive's AMBA solution for dispensing methadone and narcotics into its ORBIS hospital information system (HIS).

This agreement also includes AMBA for use in substitution therapy, primarily in Switzerland.
AMBA provides complete documentation of the entire course of substitution therapy, from approval through to dispensing. This allows everyone involved - within as well as outside the organization handling the case - to trace all steps transparently. The module provides effective support for the treatment process by providing the seamless flow of information, and also by offering a broad range of functionalities such as worklists, statistics and balances.
"Everybody involved in the treatment has continuous access to current data and information," describes Ivonne Schmidt, CEO, Imagitive. "AMBA expands the psychiatry workflow for the care of patients requiring substitution, by integrating regional decision makers such as GPs." The scalable solution is suitable for psychiatric organizations and substitution centers, as well as for smaller dispensing sites.
"By integrating AMBA into our ORBIS solution, we are breaking new ground," highlights Dieter Nels, CEO, Agfa HealthCare GmbH. "Previously, the necessary processes and integration into an HIS were not available. We now support psychiatrists and specialized centers to introduce software-based workflows for the entire care process of psychiatric patients. Imagitive has developed extensive expertise with our ORBIS customers, and identified the software requirements that have become part of the applications and their integration."
* ORBIS is not available in the US and Canada