Cross-discipline data availability for maximum efficiency

Photo: Clinisys

Sponsored • Laboratory information systems

Looking for new software solutions?

Are you looking for a new software solution for your laboratory? Laboratory information systems by Clinisys offer future-proof solutions you can rely on!

Whatever your workflow, the size and structure of your laboratory or the laboratory disciplines you want to automate: Our solutions provide efficient support in the areas of clinical chemistry, microbiology, pathology, molecular diagnostics and genetics, and order management, including reporting and results delivery. Clinisys has more than 40 years of cross-discipline expertise in providing laboratory information systems. With over 3,000 customers in 34 countries, Clinisys is one of the world's largest providers.

Future-proof solutions for all laboratory tasks

No matter what laboratory discipline you are interested in, Clinisys provides the right software for advanced patient care: Clinisys vianova Labor is our laboratory information system that impresses with its high efficiency, fast result transfer and standardized workflows. It is a multidisciplinary LIS that comprehensively supports all key disciplines: clinical chemistry, blood bank, microbiology, hygiene and veterinary medicine. 

Clinisys GLIMS is the ideal system wherever maximum flexibility and variability are required. It is cloud-enabled and harmonizes perfectly with all analytical instruments in the laboratory as well as with laboratory lines and TLA systems. Integration with systems from other vendors is also straightforward. The GLIMS Business Activity Monitor also provides an overview of device utilization and order processing. This provides you with useful data for process optimization. 

Clinisys GLIMS Genetics is a solution that meets the growing demands in human genetics. With GLIMS Genetics, you can create integrated digital workflows for the entire spectrum of genetics. It combines the strengths of a mature solution for traditional laboratory areas with the special requirements in genetics, including state-of-the-art methods such as NGS, integrates seamlessly into your IT landscape and communicates with expert systems worldwide: as an IHE-certified solution, the solution offers interfaces to all common expert systems. 

With the all-in-one Clinisys DaVinci solution, we provide a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for pathology laboratories: Clinisys DaVinci supports the optimization of workflows and ensures more efficient processing of examination orders. It is an open system for transparent data exchange with other programs and applications, uses IHE and HL7 and thus meets international security standards. 

The web-based communication platform Clinisys CyberLab for order entry and result retrieval stands for efficient communication between healthcare providers and laboratories. Clinisys CyberLab can exchange information with any other LIS, hospital information system and even with different systems at the same time. The modern and intuitive user interface allows working on any device, whether desktop computer, tablet or smartphone (responsive design).

Savings potential through automation processes
Savings potential through automation processes

Photo: Clinisys

Proven service for customers and partners

The merger with Sunquest Information Systems, HORIZON Lab Systems and Apollo LIMS under the Clinisys brand in October 2022 has also opened a new chapter for Clinisys Deutschland GmbH, formerly Clinisys | MIPS: We are significantly expanding the scope of our expertise! Even though the company name has changed, we still offer the same end-to-end portfolio and local support. Thus, we remain a stable and reliable supplier for customers and partners. Michael Simpson, Clinisys CEO, said: "Also, as part of our long-term strategy to create an integrated Clinisys laboratory platform, we will continue to invest in our core products and solutions from the now combined companies. As a result, our customers will enjoy continuity while benefiting from our expanded expertise and scale." 

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