The Amsterdam Clinical Automation Conference

Automating a clinical laboratory is complicated and expensive.

Photo: The Amsterdam Clinical Automation Conference

The Amsterdam Clinical Automation Conference aims to provide access to major clinical laboratory automation manufacturers and provide tools to help laboratory managers to select and implement those technologies.
Presiding over the programme will be AACC* president, Larry Broussard PhD (Louisiana Health Science Centre, New Orleans, La). Moderators are Robin Felder PhD (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA) and Henk Goldschmidt MD (Regional Diagnostics Services, Tilburg, The Netherlands).
The keynote presentation by Ed Bos of KLM Airlines, will demonstrate how KLM Airlines and Schiphol Airport successfully used RFID technology to improve luggage management. Jan Dols PhD will then describe how his hospital laboratory has used RFID technologies to improve tracking.
Other key topics: autovalidation, Lean management principles, automated Q.C., and calculating ROI using procurement models.
As a finale, Jackie McDowell of Siemens Medical Solutions (see article on this page) will present a new diagnostic paradigm – merging digital, imaging and laboratory data.
During the conference, clinical automation companies will present products and be available for individual discussions.
Also in 2008
10-11 September, Cambridge, UK. Evidence-based medicine and patient focused testing, jointly sponsored by the AACC and ACB.
13-14 November, Honolulu, HI. ‘Laboratory Medicine:  Into the Future’, co-sponsored by AACC and the Australian Association for Clinical Biochemistry.
* Jointly sponsored for the fourth time by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC), the Association of Clinical Biochemistry (ACB – UK based) and the Netherlands Society for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (NVKC).
Conference supporters: Beckman Coulter, Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Radiometer and Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics.
Details: E-mail:


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