The 4th Hospital Manager Symposium

Management - IT - Finance 

Experiences, advice and discussions for radiologists and managers

Professor Christian Herold
Professor Christian Herold

‘Hospital managers frequently view radiology both as a devil and as an angel,’ says Professor Christian Herold, President of ECR 2007, in his welcoming address to participants at European Hospital’s 4th Hospital Manager Symposium.

The ‘devil’ view relates to radiology being a sophisticated speciality at the high end of technology-driven medicine, and thus frequently associated with high costs, he explains, adding: ‘The ‘angel’ perspective is based on the notion that radiology stimulates improvement in hospital IT service, is also at the forefront of quality and risk management initiatives, and improves the quality of care through largely non-invasive or minimally invasive diagnostic and interventional procedures.
‘This now well-established Hospital Manager Symposium will examine the economic, organisational and managerial challenges related to radiology in a hospital environment.’ Finally he advises: ‘Come prepared for a lively and interactive session.’ 

Certainly European Hospital’s selection of speakers, all experts in management, finance and information technology, promises to bear out the professor’s prediction.


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