Sample Processing • Promega GmbH
Promega · Maxprep Liquid Handler

Dimensions: 1,069 × 706 × 833 mm (w × h × d)
Weight: 98.6 kg
Sample throughput: 1-48 samples / hour; (2) 24 position Maxwell RSC 48 / CSC 48 (RUO) or (2) 16 position Maxwell RSC / CSC (RUO) removable tray
Number of channels: 4
Assays: Promega Maxwell Kits
Complete nucleic acid purification system in combination with Maxwell RSC / CSC (RUO) and Maxwell RSC 48 / CSC 48 (RUO)
- Automated Maxwell sample preparation
- Hands-free nucleic acid extraction on the Maxwell RSC / CSC (RUO) or RSC 48 / CSC 48 (RUO)
- Post-extraction sample preparation for quantitation, normalization and amplification setup using the Maxprep Liquid Handler
- UV decontamination and barcode scanner