Representing User Interests – on a Partnership Basis

Delivering software for the exchange of information, based on standards – this is the aim of TianiSPIRIT GmbH. The software specialist with headquarters in Austria emerged from the PACS manufacturer Tiani Medgraph AG; the dynamic team focuses on solutions for Health Information Exchange in compliance with the guidelines of the initiative “Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise” (IHE).

This approach has enabled the company domiciled in Vienna to realize a significant number of successful projects worldwide. Users of the manufacturer’s software are now invited to join a newly-formed user group and exchange their expertise and experiences as well as to cooperate with the company.

Consistent interoperability for the management of information in the health economy – this is the rationale according to which TianiSPIRIT has developed and designed its entire portfolio of solutions. Reference projects in Switzerland, Austria, South Africa, and the U.S. implement the internationally recognized standards of IHE (DICOM, HL7, ebxml, SAML, etc.). These projects – in the area of eHealth infrastructure – are large-scale and include an IHE-compliant Master Patient Index, Electronic Health Records, etc. Continuous monitoring of the developments in the area of technology norms and their effects on health economy enable the company to make use of the most advanced technologies at any time (e.g. J2EE, JAVA, BPEL, Flash, JSF).

On March 8, 2011, the TianiSPIRIT Global User Group (TGUG) e. V. was founded in Germany. It is open for membership worldwide to users of solutions from the company and its partners – to individual members and organizations in hospitals, payor organizations, universities, and similar organizations. Gerhard Härdter, Head of the Service Center IT, Stuttgart Hospitals in Germany was named President; Dr. Pierre-Michael Meier was elected Managing Vice President. The aim is to provide constructive actionable representation of user interests to the company.

Invitation to the First Global Summit

The first international meeting of the User Group is in preparation for Spring 2012 in Vienna/Austria. The agenda includes internal matters relating to the user group, as well as a track open to a general audience with presentations by renowned international TianiSPIRIT users from Austria, Germany, South Africa, and the U.S. Details about, and registration for, this “Global Summit – Backstage Live Views from Projects”, supported by TianiSPIRIT and its partners, will be available at

“We look forward to developing, together with this audience of users, proposals for the portfolio of TianiSPIRIT from which the entire community will benefit. The aim is to exert a positive influence on the innovation and optimization of the products, based on a partnership philosophy”, outlined TGUG President Härdter.

“Through TGUG as a formal platform, TianiSPIRIT users can now make their relevant contribution to the optimization of the portfolio – for their own benefit, as well as for the sustainable success of the manufacturer”, added Managing Vice President Dr. Meier.

“The feedback from our customers plays a key role for us in our continuing development as a specialized software vendor”, underlined TianiSPIRIT CEO Martin Tiani. “I very much welcome the founding of this optimal basis for the exchange of expertise, for product evaluation, and IT service management.”


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