New online tool to calculate energy savings
Atlas Copco launches ‘Purge Saver’ to help medical air plant users.
Atlas Copco has launched a new online tool that enables users to calculate the energy costs they can save by using state-of-the-art purge control technology for Atlas Copco and BeaconMedæs medical air plant installations.

The new ‘Purge-Saver’ calculator tool is available to use for free on both the Atlas Copco and BeaconMedæs websites.
The purge saver feature is a state-of-the-art purge control function that makes medical air purifiers more efficient, which can lead to energy savings on purge losses of up to 90%; depending on installation and usage. As a benefit to end users, the feature is fitted as standard on all Atlas Copco and BeaconMedæs medical air plants. Now, with the new online purge saver calculator tool, users can quickly and easily check the monetary savings (In Sterling, Euros or U.S. dollars) that they can make by using this technology.
When using the online purge-saver calculator tool most of the data is already preset, with users only required to insert the quantity of compressors and the average load of their medical air plant. As an example of how the calculator tool works, if a user specifies that they operate one 15kW compressor at an average load of 35%, the estimated saving they could expect to make is up to 2000 Euros every year.
Kurt De Smet, Medical Competence Team Leader from Atlas Copco commented, “Many people are aware that purge air is quite expensive, but often don’t realise how much money they can save by using control technology. With this new calculator tool we are convinced that customers will now be better able to understand the added value of using purge control for their medical air plant installations.”
The new purge saver calculator complements BeaconMedæs and Atlas Copco’s existing suite of online tools, which includes an advanced medical air plant calculation tool that assists the correct selection of a medical air plant according to different medical gas standards, including ISO7396-1, HTM02-01 and HTM2022. This calculation tool enables users to accurately size a medical air plant according to their specific needs, ensuring that it will not be over sized, which would result in potential cost savings. Moreover, the tool visualises the complete medical air plant and allows the user to request a quote or to export the results in a PDF, Word or Excel format.
To access Atlas Copco’s full range of online calculator tools for medical air installations please visit:
To access the calculator tools from BeaconMedæs, please visit: and look for the GURU section.