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Radbook 2014

19computedtomography RadBook 2014 By bringing together different technological concepts, GE Health- care has succeeded for the very first time in combining the lead- ing technological concepts of computed tomography in one single device. This device is called the Revolution CT. The product is a technological sensation: It offers the highest temporal and spa- tial resolution (24 ms/0.23 mm) and excellent coverage all in one single device. The new CT represents a revolution from both a technical and clinical point of view and can be used in cardiology, neurology and oncology. The company will be presenting the new technology for the first time in Europe at the 8th International Symposium for Multislice CT in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (22 to 25 January 2014). Radiologists and MTRAs have to make accurate diagnoses every day under tremendous time pressure. The aim is therefore to con- tinue enhancing efficiency and productivity due to the financial de- mands of the modern healthcare system. However, multiple scans and numerous screening procedures are necessary until an actual recommendation for treatment is found. Its uncompromising performance in key areas means that the Revolution CT can even display complicated multi-phase exami- nations within a short space of time with a single scan. “An accu- rate diagnosis can be made quickly and reliably even in complex cases with just a single CT scan,” explains Dr. Volker Wetekam, Chairman of the Management Board of GE Healthcare in Ger- many. “Time-consuming screening procedures performed by other imaging systems or invasive methods can be omitted most of the time. This provides radiologists and MTRAs with a much greater and more flexible range of applications in the clinical routine.” The underlying technology for this device is the completely rede- veloped imaging chain. All the components such as the detector el- ements, detector assembly, collimator, tubes, slip ring and mount- ing, data transmission and image reconstruction were completely redeveloped as a single function and in interaction with the other components and functions. The device is especially advantageous when it comes to carrying out a quick examination on critically ill and challenging patients: People who experience problems holding their breath, have an irregular pulse or suffer from kidney failure can be examined ac- curately using the new Revolution CT with breathing spaces of less than a second at high and fluctuating heart rates and a low concentration of contrast agent. The same applies to patients who are unable to control their movements and behavior sufficiently. * The CE conformity procedure for the GE Revolution CT is currently underway. The device cannot be placed on the market or put into oper- ation before the conformity certificate (CE marking) has been issued. See the Revolution CT for yourself at the GE Satellite Sympo- sium “Revolution in Advanced CT Imaging“. The first user of the Revolution CT worldwide will be addressing the people in attendance. 23 January 2014 at 6 pm at the Kongresszentrum/Olympiasaal Uncompromising performance – The Revolution CT has been specially developed to combine uncompromising image quality and a wide range of clinical applications in one single system with high-performance tech- nical components. Heart, aorta and lung in one scan in just a second

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